The Jobs of the Future, Today

The jobs people have and the work they do can tell us a lot about what it was like to live during different times in human history. The technologies and philosophies. The hopes and dreams. The haves and have-nots. But what about the UK now, today, in our machine-led age of brands, connectivity, the internet, and social media? What kind of work is out there, and what does it tell us about the experience of living and working in 2019?

Roving reporter Jamie Andrew waded into the workforce to find out.

Davey Johnson, 46, Salt-of-the-Earth Compliance Officer, Alloa, Scotland

I’m a no-nonsense, tells-it-like-it-is, salt-of-the-earth type, and my job is to make sure that the rest of the world knows it. I carry out most of my work on the threads underneath articles shared on social media by local news organisations.

It’s exhausting work. I’m there, first thing in the morning, desperately trying to find ways to put a right-wing spin on the more gentle and whimsical articles with which these outlets tend to start the day. It can be tough. You know, I might have to find something militant to say about, say, a wee boy winning a prize for drawing a nice picture of a rabbit at his school. I’ll do it in baby steps, start off with a, ‘Wisnae like that in my day’, maybe follow it up with a, ‘These snowflakes and their pictures – I was shooting rabbits at his age’, and before I know it, I’ve slam-dunked it with a ‘Wonder if they’ll still let us draw rabbits come the Muslim caliphate, eh?’

By lunch-time it’s easy. Me, I’m feeling like Neo fae the Matrix: whoosh, bam, kaplow! Everything’s just happening, like magic. I’m skimming the headlines or the wee prompts by the page admin, and the replies are just boomin’ out of me…

‘Should kids start school at 10am instead of 8am?’ BOOM! Should they FUCK! ‘What do you think about smacking children?’ BLAM! Dae it as hard as possible. Never did me ony harm! ‘Breast-feeding in public?’ SLAP! Tits oot for the lads, absolutely NOT tits oot at my dinner table, ya manky bastards. ‘What do you think about the government’s initiative to lower the murder rate in our cities? ‘BASH! Bloody pansies! My grandfather murdered me when I was 12. And it never did me ony harm!’

The trick is to sound a bit like you’re in that Monty Python’s Yorkshireman sketch, but eighty per cent more racist.

I’m bloody good at my job. Science, solidarity and compassion are no match for the angry, knee-jerk opinions of working-class, salt-of-the-earth types like me.

Randall McCallum, 31 Dinner Photographer, Bangor, NI

Not everyone can afford a new car or a dream home to rub in their followers faces on Facebook or Twitter. You don’t need that. These days, the battle to win over hearts and minds – well, the battle to make hearts and minds seethe with rage and envy – is being fought at the dinner table. That’s where I come in.

Forget fortune. You don’t need a new car to make Elspeth who used to be in your class at school jealous as fuck. The new signifier of social sophistication is food. Or, as I like to say, Duck L’Orange is the new hatchback.

All you need is a really snobby meal slapped on a dinner plate and snapped artistically, perhaps with some augmentation filter added in so the food looks like it’s glowing or glistening – just as long as you don’t use the wrong filter and end up accidentally attaching donkey ears to your Colombian goat-loin curry.

I’m so good at what I do I can make waffles look like a meal Gordon Ramsay might one day demand to impregnate. I drape parsley over them, sexily – so bloody sexy that it seems like Leo Di Caprio might paint it – then I tag it with something like #FreshPotatoGriddles, maybe even translate it to French first, because French makes everything shit sound really good, you know, with the possible exception of Citreon and Renault.

Before I got in to dinner-plate photography, I was in the wine business. I used to snap pictures of women’s hands clutching wine glasses, and then I’d add captions in post-production like, ‘WINE O’CLOCK’, ‘BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS ALL DAY’, and ‘OBLIGATORY AIRPORT PHOTO’, you know. The work dried up, though, mainly because my clients didn’t. They all died of cirrhosis.

For the future, I’m thinking about going into business with my cousin, Tristan, the world-famous ‘Dick-Pic Stylist’. Super talented guy, he used to have Wayne Rooney and Leslie Grantham on retainer.

Jeremy Phillipston, 23 Professional Netflix Content Absorber, Cardiff, Wales

The best part about my job is when I’m talking to someone, and they’re telling me that they’ve heard about this great new series that’s just arrived on Netflix, and I get to cut them off with, ‘Yeah, I finished it last night, it’s great, you should watch it.’ I love that.I love watching their little smiles become hyphens.

The Haunting of Hill House, the Ted Bundy Tapes, the new season of Daredevil, sixteen new films that were only dropped on Netflix last night – before you’ve even had a chance to hear about them, I’ve fucking seen them. All of them.

Not everyone appreciates what I do. Parents with young children, people who work, people who don’t sit in their pyjamas for entire days at a time eating nothing but crisps – they all resent me. It’s not my fault they’re lazy, though. They should get their priorities straight. Problem they have is, they’re spending too much time playing with their children. Too much time talking to their partners. In short, too much chilling, not enough Netflix. If I can make people feel inadequate and excluded enough that they feel driven to binge-watch television to the exclusion of all else in their lives, then job done.You’re welcome, society.

This job was recommended to me because of my interest in my grandfather’s career. He was a Full-time Plot Spoiler, and he was bloody good at it. He’d walk out of elevators with a big mobile phone clamped to his ear shouting things like, ‘YEAH, YEAH, BRUCE WILLIS WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME, I KNOW, I KNOW, WHAT A FUCKING TWIST.’ He once took out a full-page ad in The Times that said, YOU KNOW THAT MOVIE ‘SAW’? WELL, THE DEAD GUY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM IS THE BADDIE. PS: STONE ME, DARTH VADER IS LUKE’S FATHER.

They’re making the story of his life into a 12-part series on Netflix next year, which I’ve already seen last week.You should watch it.

Sharon Grantham, 35 Worker in a GIF factory, Huddersfield, England

Me mam worked in a factory supplying funny pictures of cats and husbands to Bella and That’s Life magazines from 1969 to 1998, so I guess this sort of thing’s in me blood – along with the diabetes.

I started off in the Meme Warehouse, but most of me friends ,last few years, said the money was in GIFs – well, they pay more, in them GIF factories, ’cause it’s more dangerous an’ that. Some of them GIFs – they don’t look big on the screen, or, like, when you use them on your phone, do they? – but some of them are, like, the size of cardboard boxes, you know, them great big ones. The big boxes you’d use if you were movin’ house and that. And heavy. I knew a lass who got crushed to death by a GIF of a dancing beaver, just splatted her face off, it did. Bits of her brains all over me shoe. Worse, though, them that ordered the GIF deleted it almost as soon as they put it on Facebook, cause what they wanted was actually a GIF of a dancing Diva, but the predictive thingy put the wrong word, so me friend died for fook all, which is a shame. Still, the boss donated a nice GIF for her funeral, it was a flower all growing fast in fast motion, like it were speeded up, so the flower started off hanging down then jumped up and out, you know. I thought it were nice, but Jimmy who works the line with me was like, Christ, Sharon, that’s the GIF me and me mates use if we wanna say a woman’s given us a stiffy, and I said oh my God, and he’s like, well, I guess she is a stiffy now, so maybe it’s alright?


I’m proud of it, cause the boss says most folk just talk in GIFs now anyway, like, cause it’s easier and more fun, and you can say lots more than you can with words, and there won’t be any words left by this time next year cause of Brexit, cause once we run out of words we won’t be able to get any more sent in from Sweden or wherever they come from. Where is it we get words from again?


After the ban: What happened to Tony Tiger and friends?

Is the billionaire superhero ‘fake news’?


The Hell of Work: The Toy Shop

I once worked night-shift in a toy-shop in the weeks leading up to Christmas. 7pm to 7am. My job was to help unbox the day’s deliveries and re-stock the shelves. I suppose you could say that my hard graft was indirectly responsible for putting happy smiles onto the faces of thousands of local children. Aw! Sounds pretty magical, right? You’re probably imagining me and my twilight workforce moving in blissful synchronous, singing a jolly song as we form a human chain, passing parcels of dolls and dinosaurs along it, hoisting them up onto the shelves and high-fiving as we go, the whole happy endeavour overseen by a kindly old man sat behind an antique desk who’s busy scrutinising each and every toy for imperfections so that little Jeannie and little Harry won’t be disappointed come Christmas morn.

You’d be imagining it all wrong, though. Because working in a toy-shop at Christmas time is about as magical as being tied up and force-fed corned beef by a maniacal clown in an underground car-park.

It’s about as merry as weaponised AIDS being crop-dusted over you while you’re sunbathing, and only half as joyful as taking a cricket bat to the stomach, and then being stabbed in the face with pencils by fifty angry dwarfs as soon as you double-over, and then hit with the cricket bat again as soon as you straighten up, and on and on and on, until the dwarfs grow weary of their little game and decide to set fire to you instead.

And then being shat on by a pigeon.

Instead of imagining mirth and magic, try imagining a group of tired, miserable men – many of them with substance abuse problems and severe personality disorders (and that was just me) – desperately trying to reach the end of their shift without succumbing to the desire to leap head-first from the top-shelf of the board-game aisle down onto the cold floor below whereupon they’d swiftly be entombed by falling Cluedo boxes.

Imagine a group of guys muttering to themselves like lobotomised Lurches up and down the cold, deserted aisles as thousands of eerie plastic smiles beam out at them – only managing to preserve a faint sliver of sanity by occasionally stopping to boot a musical dog in the face just to hear it scream.

Of course, these days I’m a soppy, genetically-invested father of two, and would probably really enjoy a yuletide stint at the toy shop… although my colleagues most definitely wouldn’t: “You know who would love THIS toy, right? My kids! And do you know who would love THIS toy over here? THAT’S RIGHT, MY KIDS!”

You’ve probably intuited from the pronouns I’ve used thus far that everyone on the night-shift was male. These days my boss wouldn’t have hesitated to re-boot the shift with an all-female cast, but back then, in the late twenty-tens, it was XY all the way, baby. We may have had a woefully gender-imbalanced workforce, but at least we were ever-so-slightly ethnically diverse. There was one black Nigerian man among the crew, which certainly helped break the facial monotony of our miserable Caucasian countenances.

On my first shift I realised with horror that my fellow whiteys were referring to this man as ‘Teeth’, a nickname I surmised he’d been given on account of that offensive supposition that a black person can blend into total darkness and only have their position betrayed by their blindingly white smile.

The guys weren’t just referring to him as Teeth; they were calling him it to his face.

Hey Teeth!” they’d say.

Gimme a hand shifting some of these boxes, eh, Teeth?”

Whit time is it, Teeth?”

I knew what time it was: horrible racism time!

‘Teeth’ himself didn’t seem phased by the racist moniker he’d had forced upon him by his co-workers. He never once reacted. He just accepted it, as if they were calling him nothing less innocuous than ‘mate’ or ‘pal’.

I went home at the end of that shift the next morning and agonised over what I’d borne silent witness to. By doing nothing, wasn’t I a racist, too? Or at the very least a shameless coward. I tried to come up with alternative explanations. Most of these guys had been working together for weeks. Maybe they’d bonded at the coal face and developed a friendly, no-holds-barred way of dealing with each other. Maybe context was king, and I’d misunderstood the dynamic. After all, I’ve said some hellish and horrendous things to my friends over the years, and had it back in spades. What if it was all just banter?

But what if it wasn’t? Or what if the white guys assumed they were trading harmless banter, but were really hurting this guy and he didn’t feel empowered enough to speak up?

The second shift began. I wondered what I should do. Call the guys out? Report them? I knew one thing for certain: I couldn’t just stand by and watch a man being marginalised and demeaned. Not this time. Not again. I had to do something. But first, I had to show the guy he had an ally; that not everyone on the night-shift was an unbridled monster.

We talked for a while as we sliced open boxes together: about life, love, childhood. I liked him. He seemed a nice guy, which only served to make me feel more guilty about my cowardice the night before, even though his agreeableness as a person was irrelevant to the injustice at hand. Even an asshole deserved my support.

I stretched out a hand for him to shake. ‘My name’s Jamie. I’m not going to call you ‘Teeth’ like all of the other guys around here, I don’t think that’s very nice at all, and I just want you to know I’m not on board with it. What’s your real name?

‘Latif,’ he said.


Have you ever wished for the ground to open up and swallow you whole? I quickly realised that the only racial abuse Latif had been exposed to in the workplace… had come from me. I’d bent over backwards to avoid being labelled a racist, and in the process inadvertently back-flipped onto a big fat crash-mat of racism. I was the closest thing the toy-shop had to its very own resident Klansman.

I sloped off down the aisle, and gazed up longingly at a stack of Cluedos that was teetering on the edge of the top shelf. Thinking that was maybe a bit of an extreme reaction, I decided instead to track down a musical dog and kick it in the face.

Ho ho ho.


The Hell of Work: The Airport

The Hell of Work: The Call Centre